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Growing up in a Mediterranean family, food was the glue that held us together. My mother and father loved cooking and generously shared their meals with family and guests. Even when I left home to study abroad, my mother continued to cook for me like I was still at home and to anyone who visited her. Bread was an essential part of every meal and never went to waste. We would use it to scoop up food from a common dish or to eat with our meals.

As an adult and a personal chef in Napa and Sonoma, California, I bring the same spirit of generosity and hospitality to my cooking. At The Gastro Kitchen, every guest is the center of attention, and I make sure they leave the table full and satisfied. I use only the freshest ingredients and products to create delicious meals inspired by the Mediterranean customs of my childhood. And just as my mother and father did, I never forget to treat every guest like family, whether they are a stranger or not.


Quote from The Chef " I would not accept nor buy The Michelin Stars from a tire company, even if they were given freely or sold to me for a special price!" 


While the Michelin star organization has undoubtedly played a significant role in shaping the culinary world, it's crucial to recognize and acknowledge its negative aspects. The immense pressure, creativity suppression, financial strain, inconsistent judging, and distorted dining landscape are all important considerations when evaluating the impact of the Michelin star system. As diners and food enthusiasts, it's essential to approach the Michelin Guide with a critical lens and a broader perspective, appreciating the diversity of culinary experiences beyond the glittering stars.

Personal chef Napa, Sonoma Ca

Personal Chef Sonoma Ca
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